Modern Take on Conservative issues


I firmly believe in the sanctity of life from conception to natural death.

Every life is valuable and deserves protection under our laws. This conviction guides my stance on issues such as abortion, where I advocate for policies that protect the unborn while also understanding the complexity of this issue. It is crucial to support families and mothers through compassionate services, comprehensive healthcare, and adoption support, ensuring that life is not just protected in the womb but cherished and supported throughout its course.

This reverence for life naturally extends to opposing medically assisted suicide, advocating instead for palliative care and support that respects life's intrinsic value until its natural end. Our policies should reflect a commitment to life at every stage, rooted in compassion and practical support for those in need.

Securing our borders is paramount to upholding the rule of law and ensuring the safety and economic well-being of our citizens.


The influx of fentanyl through illegal channels into our country has become a public health crisis, contributing to fentanyl becoming the leading cause of death among 18-45 year old’s in the U.S. This crisis underscores the urgent need for strengthened border security measures.

I am committed to pragmatic solutions that strengthen our border security while also respecting the dignity of every human being. This includes investing in advanced technology for border surveillance, providing adequate resources for border enforcement agencies, and creating more efficient legal pathways for immigration. It's about ensuring that immigration is legal, orderly, and fair, while also preventing the illegal trafficking of dangerous substances like fentanyl.

By taking a comprehensive approach to border security, we can protect our communities from the devastating impact of drug trafficking and support public health and safety.


Economic prosperity is the backbone of our nation,

This backbone is driven by hardworking individuals, robust small businesses, and responsible fiscal policies. I advocate for tax policies that stimulate growth and investment, regulatory reforms that empower entrepreneurs, and trade agreements that are fair and beneficial to American workers. Education and workforce development are also critical to ensure that all citizens have the opportunity to succeed in a changing global economy. By focusing on these areas, we can ensure a prosperous future for all Americans.

Ensuring our children receive a rigorous and fulfilling education in a safe and nurturing environment is essential.


Schools should be places where students can excel academically, engage in meaningful social interactions, and develop lifelong friendships without the premature burden of confronting complex decisions about their gender and sexuality.

It is crucial that we prioritize academic excellence and the development of social skills, allowing children to grow into well-rounded individuals.

Our educational policies should focus on creating an atmosphere that supports every child’s right to learn and develop in a way that is free from ideological pressures, ensuring that discussions about sensitive topics like gender and sexuality are approached with care and are age-appropriate. By safeguarding our educational environments in this manner, we can provide a solid foundation for all children to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Our nation was founded on principles of freedom and liberty, values that we must vigilantly protect.


I am committed to upholding the rights enshrined in our Constitution, including the freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to religious liberty.

It is essential to guard against overreach by the government and to ensure that individual freedoms are not infringed upon.

Our laws and policies must strike a balance between security and liberty, always erring on the side of preserving the freedoms that define us as a nation.